Parents bring your game on!!!
Parents of grades 3 to 11…you are invited to join us at Sand Pine Park, Boca Raton for GSA\’s Annual Sports Day, this Thursday, 9am-2pm!
PreK to 2nd grades will remain at school for outdoor activities.
Students vs. students…students vs. parents…students vs. teachers!!!
Sports, games and activities!
See and be there!
Please note:
Parents please drop your children to school no later than 8am, then meet us at the park, students will arrive to the park by GSA\’s school bus. Please make sure to sign and return the permission slips. Students should come to school on Thursday with sports day t-shirt (provided by GSA), PE pants and sneakers.
Send lunch in a brown paper bag with your children, no glass bottles please. Snacks and water will be provided for your children, courtesy of the PTO.
Any questions call 561-395-3011.