Assalamu alaykum
Dear parents,
Due to the rapid spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) GSA is closely monitoring this evolving outbreak. The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our highest priority, therefore we have decided to cancel the following events, Sports Day, Alumni Dinner and the Orlando trip for our 8th & HS graduates.
Also in regards to school closings and with the consent of the School Board we will be closing our school effective Thursday, March 19th and throughout the spring break (3/23-3/27) until further notice. However, after spring break and if we are still closed, students will be working online in Google Classroom and updates will be sent from the Administration and teachers. A waiver will be sent home today with students in regards to chrome books, please read, sign and return the waiver no later than tomorrow Friday, March 13th.
Students and parents should not return to campus after spring break, until we have notified you that our school has reopened. We will be sending updates as we receive them from Palm Beach County, so please continue to check your emails, school website and school\’s facebook page.
If we receive any closing changes from Palm Beach County prior to spring break you will be informed immediately.
Jazakum Allahu Khair
GSA Administration