Steps in


To complete our online re-enrollment process, you will access your Family Portal account through your existing login.

Step 1
Go to "Family Login"
Then click
"Family Portal"
Step 2
Enter District code
Type in "GAR-FL"
then click login
Step 3
Enter your login
Choose "Parent," enter your
username & password
Step 4
After Login

Click on the "Apply or
Enroll" button in the left menu

Step 5
Click on Re-enrollment

Click on the enrollment or
Re-enrollment button

Step 6
Begin Enrollment

Click on the "Online Enrollment"
button, select the child’s name

Step 1
Go to "Family Login"
Then click
"Family Portal"
Step 2
Enter District code
Type in "GAR-FL"
then click login
Step 3
Enter your login
Choose "Parent," enter your
username & password
Step 4
After Login
Choose "Parent," enter your
username & password
Step 5
Click the button

Click on the enrollment or
Re-enrollment button

Step 6
Begin Enrollment

Click on the "Online Enrollment"
button, select the child’s name

Our Online Enrollment system will open with a link to the enrollment packet. The online process should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your information will be saved if you need to stop and come back later. Feedback will be provided throughout the process to help you complete the enrollment packet. A yellow caution sign will appear in the menu next to forms that are missing required information. If a form contains all the required information, a green checkmark will appear next to the form’s menu item. You can review the entire enrollment packet at any time by selecting the Enrollment Packet Review item on the left menu.

From here, you will also be able to print a PDF of the enrollment packet in its current state. After you have completed the enrollment packet, a Submit Enrollment Packet and Payment Form will appear.

Please follow the instructions that will be provided to submit the enrollment packet.

Next Step

After your enrollment packet is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email. At any time, you can re-access Online Enrollment through your ParentsWeb login to print the supplemental enrollment forms or a PDF copy of the completed enrollment packet.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact the registrar by sending an Email us or Call us

Ready to Re-Enroll?

Begin your journey by setting up your Parent Portal account or logging in to your existing one.
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