Physical Education (PE) schedule for students:
KG – 3rd grades will have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students must come to school on those 2 days with PE uniform.
Boys and girls – Short sleeve gray or white cotton or navy performance PE shirts ordered from Landsend with school logo, blue or black sweatpants, sneakers and socks.
4th -11th grades will have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Students must come to school on those 2 days with PE uniform.
Boys – Short sleeve gray or white cotton or navy PE performance shirts ordered from Landsend with school logo, blue or black sweatpants, sneakers and socks.
Girls – “Long” sleeve gray or white cotton or navy PE performance shirts ordered from Landsend with school logo, blue or black sweatpants, sneakers and socks.
All other non-PE days, students must be in regular uniform.