Eye screenings for GSA Students

Alhamdullilah the eye screenings by Dr. Tanya Sanhaji have been completed, may Allah reward her for giving her time and efforts for the benefit of our children.
Letters were sent home only with the students who \”were recommended\” for a comprehensive exam, please check your child\’s folder and make an appointment to see your optometrist.
A copy of the results for all students will be kept in the student files. If you have any questions please call the front office, 561-395-3011.
GSA Administration

On Tuesday, August, 26th, optometrist Dr.Tanya Sanhaji did a vision screening for all GSA students. If for any reason you would not like your child to participate in the vision screening, please bring a signed letter to the front office stating you wish your child to opt out or reply to this email.

*****Letters were sent home with your children last Friday.

Thank you.

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