You are invited to travel with your children on
Seeking Knowledge: A Journey Through Space and Time
This event is held to celebrate diversity and allows our students to learn about and explore different cultures and places of knowledge…
University of Cambridge, Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, University of Padua, University of Al-Karaouine, University of Montpelier, Al-Azhar University, University of Nanjing, University of Paris, University of Salamanca, Harvard University, University of Oxford, University of Sydney, Al-Nizamiyya and University of Modena
Delicious foods from these cities of learning will be provided by PTO and Parents!
Camperdown, Cambridge, Santo Domingo, Padua, Fes, Montpelier, Cairo, Nanjing, Paris, Salamanca, Oxford, Baghdad and Modena
The food will be sold after the Jumuah salah at ICBR masjid.
Proceeds from the sales will go towards PTO projects for the school.
Travel Date: Friday, December 19th, 2014
Travel itinerary will be posted on Renweb